The Center of Mosque Studies - Jam'e Mosque of Tehran belongs to 13th Hijri century which some of its parts has been completed or added to the building during this period of time. The architecture of various parts of the complex demonstrates the gradual evolution of the mosque. The installed inscription on the eastern balcony and beside of the entrance gate which opens to the shabestan, shows 1240 Hijri as the date of building. Also there is another inscription in the same place which shows 1366 Hijri. The repair date also is written on another inscription in western balcony that is 1366 Hijri. In south western balcony also the date 1252 Hijri is carved which shows the repair date for this part of the mosque. The mehrab which is located behind of this shabestan is built in 1344 Hijri. In next eras after completion of the mosque, some parts also were added to the building such as library, etc.
The list of repairs in the mosque is prepared and installed in the library in 1389 HIjri.