
Israel made own biggest mistake by attacking Syria’s air base

Israel made own biggest mistake by attacking Syria’s air base
(Saturday, April 14, 2018) 12:35

Secretary General of Hezbollah movement said on Friday that Israel made its biggest mistake by attacking Iranian forces in Syria as it started a war with powerful Iran by doing that.

The Center of Mosque Studies Secretary General of Hezbollah movement said on Friday that Israel made its biggest mistake by attacking Iranian forces in Syria as it started a war with powerful Iran by doing that.

Hassan Nasrallah began his remarks today by stressing unity among Lebanese and praised Beirut as the birthplace of resistance against Israelis, saying Its people support all Arab countries through their awareness and understanding.

He added that Lebanon needs national unity as it must learn lesson from civil war experience

The Hezbollah chief then urged coexistence between Muslims and Christians calling on every side not to make provocative speech during elections that can stir rift between the nation.

Nasrallah also said that unity is a necessary for not only Hezbollah but also for any other political groups.

He urged the political groups to form national alliances for the sake of the country, adding alliance does not mean that they have to become a single party as they still can keep their different ideas.  

“Nobody must resort to sectarian speech to acquire political and electoral gains,” Nasrallah stressed.

The Hezbollah chief noted that Saudi Arabia held Prime Minister Saad Hariri to provoke strife and a civil war in Lebanon, adding “Lebanon must not listen to those who seek a new civil war in the country.”

He later referred to the situation in Syria saying that the Takfiri militants wanted to push Lebanon into a civil war, adding "we had to go to Syria and fight there to keep Lebanon safe from regional, civil wars.”

“Those who launched the war in Syria and Yemen seek to start a civil war in Lebanon,” the Hezbollah chief underlined.

He later pointed to the Israeli attack on T-4 air base in Syria, saying that they directly and purposefully attacked the Iranian revolutionary guards there.

He warned the Israeli regime that “Iran is not a weak state and a cowardly state, you must know.”

Nasrallah pointed out that the Israelis denied they had done the attack because they are scared of its consequences.

“The Israeli have false calculation. you will have to face the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Hezbollah chief pointed out, adding “Israeli made historic mistake by attacking the T-4 air base in Syria.”

Referring to the different terrorist groups in Syria, Nasrallah said “all those terrorist groups do not concern Israeli while they have every kind of weapons. Iranians concern the Israelis.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Hezbollah secretary general said that the chemical attack in Syria’s Douma was all fabricated.

“There is no logic that the wining team would launch such an attack,” Nasrallah pointed out, adding that the allegations about use of chemical weapons in Syria are new a game by Trump.

“You have to be concerned about Trump as the president of a super power,” Nasrallah underlined.

“He is a businessman. he has a mentality of a businessman… He wanted to withdraw the US troops from Syria but in a week he now wants to attack it.”

Nasrallah went on to say that by saying “if you pay money, I will launch a war for your sake," “Trump has reduced US army to a mercenary force."

He stressed that Donald Trump is a ‘reactionary president’ who only talks about money, warning the world of his danger at the head of a super power.

He predicted that there might be small attacks on Syria, telling the Zionists and Americans that they cannot put fear in Syria, Lebanon, Russian, or Iran with their threats.

Nasrallah said “US has been defeated in all its wars from Vietnam to Iraq, while resistance front has made major gains.”

“US must know its war in the region is not a war with a single organization or army,” Hezbollah chief noted.

At the end of his remarks he urged all Lebanese to go and vote in the parliamentary elections for a peaceful coexistence among all the Lebanese.

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