Introducing the 1200 years old Mosque of Decius

Introducing the 1200 years old Mosque of Decius
(Saturday, October 14, 2017) 11:00

The ancient old mosque of Decius in Kerman with more than 1200 years old is one of the most prominent and oldest mosques of the Islamic World.

The Center of Mosque Studies – the ancient mosque of Decius City of Kerman Province with more than 1200 years old is one of the oldest mosques in Iran and Islamic World.

According to Rouhi, the Vice - president of the National Cultural Heritage of Kerman Province, this mosque is registered as one of the oldest mosques in Islamic World.

“This mosque is one of the first constructed mosques in Iran. It is located nearby Halilrood River and demonstrates piety of Iranian Muslims as a masterpiece in architecture”, Rouhi said.

According to him, the mosque was constructed by order of Amro Leis during Saffarid Dynasty in third Hijri century.

The ancient mosque of Decius with more than 6000 square meters space had been the most prominent building of Decius City.

Having worthy tile works and innovative water supply are the most significant characters of this mosque.

It has to be said that the National Cultural Heritage Organization of Iran has started to repair the building of this mosque.
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