Iranian Qaris to Perform Tawasheeh, Recitation in Istanbul

Iranian Qaris to Perform Tawasheeh, Recitation in Istanbul
(Sunday, June 12, 2016) 10:00

A group of Iranian Qaris will visit the Turkish city of Istanbul later in the holy month of Ramadan to take part in Quran recitation programs there.

Abdol Reza Rashed, Iranian cultural envoy in Istanbul, said the ten-strong group will arrive in Istanbul on June 14 and stay there until the end of the holy month (July 5).

He told IQNA that they will recite the Quran and perform Tawasheeh (religious songs) programs in Istanbul mosques during Ramadan nights.

Their last program will be at Sultan Ahmed Mosque on the night before Eid al-Fitr (July 5), Rashed said.

They will also have live recitation and Tawasheeh programs on a number of Turkey’s TV networks including Channel 14 and Ulusal Kanal, he said.

Rashed added that Istanbul’s Dar ul-Ifta center has officially agreed to the presence of Iranian Qaris in the city’s mosques.

Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic Hijri calendar. This year, it began on Tuesday, June 7.

During Ramadan, Muslims all over the world fast (abstain from foods and drinks) from sunrise to sunset.

They also devote a considerable amount of time during this month to reading and contemplating the Quran.

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