According to the Center of Mosque Studies, those Imams of Tehran who hold ''Quranic Movement'' in their mosques will be thanked during a meeting at 3rd March, Hujjatul Islam Karami, the Cultural Deputy of the Center of Supervision on Mosques Affairs informed.
Karami said: There are more than 2300 active mosques Imams throughout Tehran Province who participate in this grand plan. That’s why; we are going to thank them through this meeting.
Pointing the required textbooks for this movement, the Cultural Deputy of the Center of Supervision on Mosques Affairs stated: "mosque in Quran" and "mosque in narrations" books are published by our center and will be unveiled in the mentioned meeting to fulfill the needs of Imams and clerics.
He explained the "Quranic Movement" in details and said: it's necessary to pay attention to all Quranic aspects. Then, we have designed this movement in "Hifz", "Tafsir" and "Tilavat" fields. It means we need to prevent having single dimensional view on mosque. The aim of this movement is to improve the role of Quran and Quranic activities in mosques.
Karami added: mosques are the most significant cultural bases and we have attempted to hold the "Quranic Movement" according to this view and in order to promote the Quranic culture in our society.
The Center of Mosques Studies