Caren Khanlari, the delegate of Christian minority in Iran’s Parliament talked about ISIS and Takfiris destructive activities in holy places near upcoming Global Day of Mosque Anniversary and said:
Unfortunately, many of mosques and churches are damaged or destructed in the name of religion in recent years. These holy places are for gathering of believers and not for destruction under mask of religion. These destructions are not work of believers and there is no religion to allow these wild actions to be performed. Khanari added: extremists and Takfiri groups explode mosques and churches in the name of religion. All nations have to react against these obscene actions.
Senator Khanlari pointed aggressions of Terrorists and Takfiri Groups t Shiite holy shrines in Iraq and said: these are divisional signs in religions world which are designed for dominance of global Imperialism in the region. This is same to the event of firing Al-Aqsa by Zionists which needs our unity in reaction against them.
The representative of Christian minority in Iran’s Parliament commented on the event of Global Day of Mosque and said: Iran have done her best to collect and keep followers of all religions beside of each other peacefully since several centuries back. The condition of churches, mosques and synagogues has been improved after taking place of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Even there is no bill defined for holy places in Iran and our mosques, churches and synagogues are free from any payment.