Quds Day to unnerve Tel Aviv

Quds Day to unnerve Tel Aviv
(Tuesday, July 7, 2015) 17:12

TEHRAN – On July 10 which marks the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan millions of fasting Muslims will hold rallies across the world to mark International Quds Day.

The day has turned into a symbol of solidarity with the Palestinians whose territories have been occupied by Zionists since 1948.  The day brings the global attention to the agonies of Palestinians who have not only been deprived of their basic right for a land for a decent life they also come under savage attacks once in a while. 

Quds Day, an initiative by Ayatollah Khomeini, has turned into a nightmare for Israel and unsettled nerves in Tel Aviv. The rallies across the world on Duds Day highlight the violation of the rights of Palestinians and cast more light on the true nature of the Israeli regime which has blocked all efforts to bring peace to the Middle East region over the last 7 decades. 

------West not safe from Israel’s threats---- 

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said on Monday that the Zionist regime of Israel is not just a threat to the Islamic countries, but the U.S. and the Western countries are not safe from its threats.  The Zionist regime of Israel has hundreds of atomic warheads and other weapons of mass destruction and is the “center of war mongering” in the world, he stated.  He also said that the Zionist regime of Israel fully supports the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant and seeks to “occupy the land from the Nile to the Euphrates”. 


The Iranian defense minister also said that the Zionist regime of Israel is symbol of “terrorism, aggression and genocide”.  Dehqan went on to say that the Quds Day will foil all the Zionists regime’s plans to marginalize the issue of Palestine.  The Zionist regime has been seeking to prevent the Muslims from getting united and integrated through creating division and war among Muslims, he said. 

He added that the Quds Day’s rallies can foil this “evil plot” and lay the ground for unity among Muslims.  The defense chief also said that the international organizations’ silence toward the Zionist regime’s crimes has emboldened this regime to continue committing “evil doings and crimes”. 

Putting the Zionist regime on trial and punishing it as a “war criminal” is the “least” action that can be taken against the regime, he noted. 

----Islamic Iran is the axis of Muslim unity--------- 

Top parliamentarian Alaedin Boroujerdi said on Monday that Imam Khomeini globalized the issue of Muslims and turned the Islamic Iran into the axis of unity among Muslims.  Boroujerdi said this year Quds Day comes at a time that Islamic world is caught in a conflict with extremist and violent groups such as Daesh. 

“On Quds Day Iranian people along with Muslims across the world will rise up against Takfiris, Daeshis and the Zionist regime,” he told reporters in Boroujered, the city he represents in the parliament.  Ayatollah Jannati, the Guardian Council chief who also acts as the chairman of the coordination council for Islamic dissemination, said from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini Quds Day is not just restricted to the issue of Palestine, rather it marks an end to the isolation of Muslims and their struggle against arrogant powers. 

Tehran Times
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