Joint unity prayers of Shiites and Sunnis in Bahrain left no room for Takfiri's

Joint unity prayers of Shiites and Sunnis in Bahrain left no room for Takfiri's
(Sunday, July 5, 2015) 07:06

Thousands of Shia's and Sunnis prayed side by side Friday in a mosque near the capital of Bahrain to show unity after the deadliest attack of Saudi funded Islamic State terrorists in Saudi and Kuwait's Shiite Mosque which claimed the lives of more than 100 Shia Worshipers.

 Residents said tight security was in place for the special session of weekly prayers in a mosque at Diraz. The interior ministry ordered a strong police presence following deadly bombings at Shia mosques in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait carried out by extremists over the past two months. The joint prayers were a show of Bahraini “unity in the face of those plotting against the Arab and Islamic world”, said the leader of Shiite and Sunni Muslims of Bahrain.



Bahraini authorities, backed by volunteers, have stepped up checks on those entering mosques for Friday prayers in the wake of the attacks elsewhere in the Gulf.

The country has been hit by protests for political reforms since 2011. The recent unity prayers in Bahrain and other middle east countries left no room for the sectarian hatred and violence policy of the Saudi-sheikhdom which claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Muslims in last one decade.
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