On the sideline of visiting the Razavi Holy Shrine, a tourist from Netherland said, “Beautiful and amazing aspects of the Islamic and Iranian arts are put into display in different parts of the Razavi Holy Shrine.”
Villen van Huren who had come with a European group to visit the Razavi Holy shrine said, “The mirror working and the architecture of this place was very interesting for me when I got enter into this place but what was very interesting to me in this holy place was this special feeling that all things were pure and all the atmosphere and people were totally away from lie and ruse and the reality of life is streaming in this holy place.”
This tourist who was visiting the holy city of Mashhad for the second time said, “When I visited this place for the first time I enjoyed my presence in this place and city and I always desired for travelling to this place once more.”
Stressing his happiness from traveling to a beautiful country with ancient culture and history he said, “Iran is always present in my mind as a country with glorious civilization and rich literature which can have good cooperation in different cultural areas with other countries.”
He recognized the architecture style of the Razavi Holy Shrine as very beautiful and unique and said, “Getting familiar with other aspects of Iranian and Islamic arts was very attractive for me and I hope I deserve a small role to play in introducing the great heritage of Islamic and Iranian culture to the world.”
This Dutch tourist reminded, “Praying and talking to God and visiting the tombs of great and prominent figures has also roots in other religions and cultures however it has a very vast meaning in Muslims' and specially Shi’ites' culture.”
He stressed, “The place of talking to Imam Reza (A.S.) is very divine and everybody, regardless of his race, color, and religion, can experience this holy and divine place.”
It is reminded that this group of tourists visited the complex of Astan Quds Razavi in 3 hours.